When everyone in Longmont prospers, Longmont prospers.
For us, prosperity means that every resident has equal access to participate in our local economy, and has the opportunity to advance in their careers, build wealth, and invest in their future. There are actions we can and must take as a community to ensure this kind of prosperity for every resident in Longmont. The most critical of those being the creation of equity building home ownership opportunities in Longmont attainable to all Longmont’s residents regardless of race, age, gender, ethnicity, religion, disability, or sexual orientation.

Who we are.
Our objectives include:
“Do No Harm”
Prosper Longmont will work with Longmont’s elected leaders to advocate for an approach to policy-making that does not have a negative impact on housing affordability, equitable access to home ownership opportunities, or the feasibility of creating attainable housing.
Set Goals
& Measure Progress
The Prosper Longmont coalition will set goals, measure progress, and hold ourselves and our City leaders accountable. We will do this by taking a data-informed approach to defining affordability, to objectively measuring the attainable housing gap, and to setting a target for the future creation of attainable housing that ensures people who work in Longmont can afford to live in Longmont.
Align Policy
& Process with Vision
Align Policy & Process with Vision: Prosper Longmont will work in partnership with our elected leaders and City staff to identify and address barriers that exist in our current code, zoning, and development review process that prevent us from achieving the attainable housing goals established in Envision Longmont and Advance Longmont 2.0.
Innovate & Create
Prosper Longmont coalition members will take a proactive approach to identifying and implementing creative, inclusive, and collaborative solutions to the creation and financing of housing that is equitably attainable for all individuals regardless of race, age, gender, ethnicity, religion, disability, or sexual orientation.
What is attainable housing?
We’re at a crossroad.
Why we need attainable housing.
It’s healthy
Studies show that home ownership has many positive effects on people’s physical and financial health. When home ownership is attainable, it frees up money for other things, which stimulates the local economy. It provides stability. It improves mental health. And it increases a sense of security.
It builds sustainable communities
Well-designed housing developments can have many positive impacts. It can improve the morale of residents. It can encourage social connections. It can reduce overcrowding. And it can attract more businesses and jobs.
It promotes diversity
Attainable housing can create communities that unite people of different socio-economic, educational, professional, and cultural backgrounds. Cities that don’t have attainable housing can become segregated and fail to meet the needs of families.
It can actually decrease traffic
Cities with managed growth have walkable streets, non-sprawling densities, and a good mix of shops and amenities. Compared to cities that are spread out due to a lack of attainable housing, there is actually less traffic congestion due to a reduced need to drive.
It allows families to put down roots
Many people that grew up in Longmont are unable to afford to live in Longmont. They are unable to set down roots for their families and take advantage of all of the amenities and services that they enjoyed growing up.
The numbers don’t add up.
Let’s give our residents what they want.
Studies show that Longmont residents care about attainable housing, cost of living, access to amenities and less traffic congestion. All of these factors can be improved with a thoughtful approach to attainable housing. Let’s work together so that Longmont’s current and future residents can build a better Longmont for generations to come.